Wednesday 13 February 2008

Aborigines Accept Australia's Apology

The Australian Prime Minister has offered a formal apology for mistreatment of Aborigines in the past. Kevin Rudd's apology was accepted
Kevin Rudd told the country's parliament that past policies of assimilation, under which Aborigine children were taken from their families to be brought up in white households, were a stain on the nation's soul.

"Today, the parliament has come together to right a great wrong," Mr Rudd said.
"We apologise for the laws and policies of successive parliaments and governments that have inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians."


Today's article is not a local one but taken from the opposite end of the earth In Australia.
Many of the politicians, Labour, Conservatives, Lib Dems in Britain constantly harp on about the policies of the BNP. Always their comments are exaggerated and blown out of proportion as regards the BNP always putting British people and British interests first, before anyone else.

The parallel between us as a "British native" nation and the Aboriginal example is evident for everyone to see. The taking of children from Aborigine parents was clearly an outrage and wrong and does not apply to us, but all of us as native British born on these Isles are getting treated exactly the same way by our Government today as the Aborigines are getting treated. We have millions of "non native" flooding into the country changing the demographics of this country like a whirlwind and for the worse.

I wonder if it will take two centuries for the Labour or Conservative Governments of the future to make this apology "We apologise for the laws and policies of successive parliaments and governments that have inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians." to future British citizens....I wont hold my breath.

Read Story,,30200-1305185,00.html

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