Whilst sifting through letters which have been passed onto me from the PO Box I have received some letters questioning whats going on with the Alec McFadden police enquiry (pictured above) regarding the BNP list (go to Thurs December 4th 2008 post). Alec had the list on his home computer which he was going to pass onto his Union friends who were going to go through it with a fine toothed comb.
Well the honest answer is I do not know. From the sexual pervert that is Ben Williams to the political pervert that is Alec McFadden. I do hope though that these two get whats coming to them (legally by law), however with the corruption that is rife in this country I wouldn't be surprised if they both get an honour from the Queen!..Look at Peter Mandelson for instance, a Labour fraudster and crook if ever there was one and he's now a Lord, pathetic.
Some of the people who made the police complaint against McFadden I will get in touch with and see what's happening with it and report further on this blog. So Alec we haven't forgotten about you and I hope your collar will soon be felt by the law if it hasn't already been felt.
Now even police can't object to gipsy camp in picturesque village...because it's racist
ReplyDeletePolice have been told they cannot object to a planned gipsy camp in a picturesque village - because to do so would be 'racist'.
Council chiefs have ruled that the local force's professional opinion 'breaches the Race Relations Act'.
The decision meant that councillors considering the planning application were not told how officers had been called to another local camp 109 times in just two years.
Ofsted said 15,000 useless teachers worked in our schools. Nine years on, how many have been fired? Just 10 .
ReplyDeleteTeacher suspended after pupil 'saw him having sex with temp in school changing room'
ReplyDeleteBy Daily Mail January 2009
A teacher has been suspended after a pupil allegedly spotted him having sex with a colleague in a school changing room.
Robert Grealish, a PE teacher, was put on gardening leave after a year eight pupil told his parents that he saw Mr Grealish with a temporary teacher when he peered through a window.
The pupil at St Joseph's College Catholic School in Norwood, South London, is believed to be only 13.
More broken promises and the scandal of why MPs still refuse to admit how they squander our money The is barely a week old and the direst predictions are already being realised, with news of fresh job losses being brought every day. But there is one important aspect of this recession which differentiates it from the economic downturns of 1981 and the early 1990s: this one is hurting only those who work in the private sector. The public sector, on the other hand, has been ring-fenced against the worst effects.
ReplyDeleteTory activist expelled from party after dressing as Madeleine McCann for New Year's bash
ReplyDeleteBy Daily Mail Reporter
January 2009
The great white backlash: Working class turns on Labour over immigration and housing
ReplyDeleteLabour's Hazel Blears has finally admitted the white working class feels betrayed and abandoned as immigration surges. The Mail went to her own constituency - and found a seething anger that should worry us all...
Eviction scandal homes chief sacked
ReplyDeleteJan 10 2009
A housing chief at a Labour-run council which moved senior staff into prime low-rent homes after asking elderly tenants to leave has been a sacked, the authority said.
Kristine Reeves, the £52,000-a-year head of neighbourhood and strategic housing at Norwich City Council, was fired following a disciplinary hearing.
She was dismissed with immediate effect for gross misconduct after tenants were evicted from the post-war sheltered housing development in 2007.
The site was earmarked for demolition to make way for the creation of new homes.
But the properties were then advertised for let in a council staff newsletter. Ms Reeves and her partner were among a number of employees at the authority who moved in.
Merseyside "worst place" for minorities to get top jobs
ReplyDeleteJan 10 2009
MERSEYSIDE is the worst place in the country for people from ethnic groups to pursue a career in management, according to a new report.
Just 0.2% of management roles in the region are filled by non-whites, despite estimates putting Merseyside’s ethnic population at around 8%.
Figures, published in a report by Race for Opportunity, which is part of Prince Charles’ charity, Business in the Community, also show that the percentage of non-whites in management roles in Merseyside has not changed – remaining at 0.2% since 2000.
Other regions have shown an increase in the percentage of those from ethnic groups working as managers.
Corresponding figures for the whole North West showed a rise from 3.4% to 4.7%.
A spokesman for Race for Opportunity said: “Despite a growth in the ethnic population in Merseyside between 2000 and 2007, their share of management positions in the region hasn’t changed.
“Merseyside is the worst place in the country for an ethnic minority to secure a management job.”
Labour Councillor Anna Rothery, Liverpool’s only black councillor and chair of Liverpool Black Leadership Forum, said: “Liverpool is perceived by many as the most racist city in the country. I speak to people from ethnic minorities from all over the country and this is what they say.
“Sadly, these figures bear out that perception.
“This is a poor state of affairs, especially for a place that likes to call itself ‘The World in one City’.
“This city is unable to retain talented ethnic men and women with management skills. They get their qualifications and we lose them to London or elsewhere, where they have more potential to progress. It’s a shame we can’t retain this home-grown talent.
“I’m committed to the city and am a councillor here but I also have to be able to support myself financially so I commute to Manchester every day to work in a senior management role.”
Ms Rothery says it’s not just attaining a management role in the first place that is problematic, but also maintaining that role.
She said: “A lot of white workers in this city struggle to take direction from a non-white manager. My own experience has been really off-putting. You have to be really thick-skinned as you are often undermined in your position as many workers refuse to take your direction.”
She believes the perception of non-white people in the work place needs to be tackled from the bottom up and from the top down.
ReplyDelete'Inhumane Britain solely to blame for thousands of immigrants in France,' blasts senior French politician
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French politician Etienne Pinte: He said Britain should welcome thousands of immigrants currently living in France
A senior French politician today launched a blistering attack on Britain’s ‘inhumane and illegal’ immigration policies, blaming them for causing ‘utter misery’ across the Channel.
Etienne Pinte, a former minister and veteran member of President Nicolas Sarkozy’s governing UMP party, says the UK is ‘solely to blame’ for the build-up of thousands of migrants in northern France.
He says almost all of those trying to illegally board ferries to Dover are from former British colonies.
‘So why are the British now rejecting them while at the same time they’re welcoming thousands of citizens from eastern Europe and in particular from Poland?’ says Mr Pinte, MP for Versailles, near Paris.
‘They don’t want to stay in France. They have a common history with the British. Most of them speak English. They often have family members who emigrated to Great Britain at a time when being part of the Commonwealth entitled them to do so.
‘Why are the British forcing us to keep them in utter misery in our territory?
‘Why are the British, in spite of international laws and, in particular, the directives of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, organising charter flights aimed at deporting immigrants towards war-torn countries like Afghanistan.
‘It’s up to Great Britain to find a dignified and humane solution to a problem which solely concerns it.
‘It should, in partnership with the French authorities, bring about concrete and quick solutions to an intolerable situation.’
Mr Pinte, who makes his comments in an open letter to immigration minister Brice Hortefeux, says Britain should, initially at least, accept all the northern France migrants.
It would then have to consider all asylum claims on British soil, before accepting the migrants, or repatriating them at the British taxpayers’ expense to ’safe’ countries.
Mr Pinte decided to speak out following Wednesday night’s murder of an Afghan migrant in a notorious camp close to the ferry port in Calais nicknamed ‘The Jungle’.
The 30-year-old was stabbed to death during a gang fight between some 30 young men battling to board lorries heading for Britain.
The victim had been hoping to start a new life in the UK which, Mr Pinte claims, is viewed by migrants as an ‘Eldorado’.
Claiming that the victim would still be alive if Britain had a fair asylum system, Mr Pinte says: ‘We’ve had enough with the illegal migration policies of the British.
‘We’ve had enough of burying anonymous migrants who have dreamt of Britain as their promised land, just like the Jews dreamt of Jerusalem.’
The Red Cross refugee centre at Sangatte, near Calais, attracted thousands of migrants before it was shut down following an Anglo-French agreement in 2002.
Mr Sarkozy’s government has insisted that no similar welcome centre will ever re-open, making the point to numerous UK officials, including the British ambassador in Paris, Sir Peter Westmacott.
The area of Calais dubbed the 'Jungle': Former French minister Etienne Pinte has blamed Britain for a build-up of immigrants in France
But, referring to the current illegal camps in Calais, Mr Pinte says: ‘And since our Immigration Minister seems to have amicable relations with the British ambassador in Paris, I suggest that he takes him to the Afghan Jungle.
‘They would then be confronted by the inhumane living conditions in our country.
‘Inhumane is actually an understatement given that the migrants have to survive in their tents, in the mud, with minimum hygiene, without being able to deal with the cold and the rain.’
Mr Pinte continues: ‘If Sangatte doesn’t exist anymore, the problem remains exactly the same.
'The people smugglers are still operating and hundreds of migrants are still wandering around our coastlines hoping to reach Great Britain, the Eldorado for thousands of men, women, teenagers and children in transit in our country.
‘They nearly all come from former nations of the British empire - Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, Sri Lanka.’
Mr Pinte, first elected to the National Assembly in 1973 is, like Mr Sarkozy, a fierce right-winger .
He is known by fellow backbenchers to have the president’s ear, having supported him in numerous elections.
But French government sources insisted that Mr Pinte’s comments did not reflect current government thinking, saying that immigration minister Mr Hortefeux had an ‘excellent’ relationship with his British counterparts.
UMP sources in Paris, in turn, suggested that Mr Pinte’s words were those of a ‘silent majority’ of politicians who feel France has become a victim of failed British immigration policies.
Facilitated by decades of brainwashing, beginning in early school years, portraying Whites not as the builders of a great civilization, or the admirable leaders of the Free World, but in a lopsided, entirely slanted way as oppressors, enslavers, genocidal “Nazis”, southern Klansmen, imperialistic Colonials, and toothless hillbillies just itching for a chance to lynch the first colored individual that comes along. This brainwashing not only inflames the minorities in these now racially-mixed “schools”, but also inculcates a sense of “White guilt” that the Out Group finds particularly useful in maintaining control.
ReplyDeleteGlobalization and its Contribution to UK Economic Catastrophe
ReplyDeleteAmong the points made:
1. Globalization means that big global companies replace decently-paid western workers with very poorly paid third-world workers.
2. The western workers end up unemployed or in poorly paid jobs, for example in fast-food restaurants.
Cabinet minister admits immigration ‘free for all’
ReplyDeleteA CABINET minister has admitted the government has presided over an asylum and immigration “free for all” and warned that the recession could be a recipe for racial tension.
Hazel Blears, the communities secretary, said Labour had failed to manage the system effectively, allowing many people to enter the country under false pretences.
“Initially it was a kind of free for all,” she said. “We had a big surge of asylum seekers, a lot of people coming as economic migrants, but through the route of asylum seeking.”
It is the first time a minister has made a bald admission that Labour mismanaged immigration in its first two terms
Blears’s comments will be seized on by opponents of immigration policy and campaigners concerned at Britain’s population growth. Official projections show the population will rise from 61m to 70m in the next 20 years.
Police marksmen face probe after storming house and shooting father of three
ReplyDeleteArmed police face an investigation after a father-of-three was gunned down during a domestic row. Batholomew 'Baz' Buckley was shot in his house by officers from West Yorkshire
ReplyDeleteSunday Mirror.
ReplyDeletePrince Harry caught on film calling Asian soldier 'Paki'(OH DEAR SCREAM THE P.C.BRIGADE THIS IS WORSE THAN MURDER IN GAZA ,LET'S SHOOT HIM AT DAWN)
The school curriculum has been corrupted by political interference, according to a new report from independent think-tank Civitas. The traditional subject areas have been hi-jacked to promote fashionable causes such as gender awareness, the environment and anti-racism, while teachers are expected to help to achieve the government's social goals instead of imparting a body of academic knowledge to their students.
ReplyDeleteThe contributors to The Corruption of the Curriculum show that no major subject area has escaped the blight of political interference. Michele Ledda shows how issues of race and gender ('external criteria that have more to do with biology than literature') trump the love of language in the works of literature that students are given to study. The anthology of poetry produced by the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) divides poetry into two groups: poetry from different cultures (16 poems) and a further 48 poems from British poets, of which 32 are post-1950:
ReplyDeleteFormer Defence Secretary John Reid has secured a £50,000 job with a
private security company operating in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Dr Reid, who famously boasted in 2006 that he expected British forces
being sent into Helmand would leave again ‘without a shot being fired’,
is to be a consultant to G4S Security Services.
The company provides armed security guards to British Government
employees stationed in war-torn countries.(VILE SCUMBAG)
Fury as minister pays to help daughter win place at Oxbridge despite Labour's war on 'unfair advantage' of middle class
ReplyDeleteGeoff Hoon
Paid for coaching: Geoff Hoon
Controversial laws planned by Gordon Brown to boost ‘social mobility’ by stopping the middle classes gaining unfair advantage for their children suffered an embarrassing setback last night.
Cabinet Minister Geoff Hoon confirmed that his family paid for his teenage daughter to receive extra coaching to help win a place at Oxbridge.
The Transport Secretary accompanied her to a course run by Oxbridge Applications, which charges up to £3,000 to advise students how to get into Oxford and Cambridge.
Mr Hoon himself went to Cambridge after attending a fee-paying school, and went on to become a successful barrister.
Oxbridge Applications claims to give students a huge advantage over rival applicants in the notoriously tough admissions process and interviews.
But the Government was accused of double standards by the Tories after it emerged that children from upwardly-mobile professional families – similar to Mr Hoon’s – are the main target of its new war on the middle classes to be led by former Health Secretary Alan Milburn.
Labour’s crackdown was further exposed after it emerged that no fewer than 16 Labour MPs – including two senior Ministers – employ their offspring as Commons assistants.
It is also at odds with Tony Blair securing glamorous work experience for his children
Primark under fire over claims its knitwear is made by illegal workers in British sweatshops
ReplyDelete11th January 2009
High Street giant Primark was at the centre of a storm tonight over claims some of its clothing is made by slave labour working in sweatshops in Britain.
Investigators discovered a factory where illegal immigrants were forced to work
12-hour days for half the minimum wage.
The clothing is then distributed to Primark stores across the UK where it is snapped by eager shoppers.
Terror slur’ Tory to face libel trial
ReplyDeleteJan 12 2009 by David Bartlett, Liverpool Daily Post
1 2 next »
‘Terror slur’ Tory to face libel trial
A LEADING Conservative in Wirral is facing a libel and slander trial after allegedly calling a party colleague an Islamic terrorist.
Dick Calver, the former chairman of Wirral West Conservative Association, is also alleged to have implied Bahram Noorani instigated a number of threats to disfigure Mr Calver’s wife with acid and burn down the couple’s home.
Mr Noorani, a property developer, is seeking substantial damages from Mr Calver, and the case is due to be heard at Liverpool High Court in March.
Mr Calver denies the allegation of calling Mr Noorani an “Islamic terrorist” and claims Mr Noorani had asked a 16-year-old to make threats to him.
Last night, Michael Sandys, of Kirwans Solicitors, acting for Mr Noorani, and Rex Makin and Co, acting for Mr Calver, declined to comment.
The court case is the latest row to have rocked West Wirral Conservative Association – 14 months ago, party leaders were forced to deny they had “pressed the self-destruct button” in the constituency which is a key marginal seat for the Tories.
The case stems from an argument over the way the association was being run in summer of 2007.
Papers lodged with the court include the text of a letter Mr Calver sent to between 25 and 30 members of the executive committee of the Wirral West Conservative Association.
Mr Calver details in the letter how he argued with Mr Noorani over the phone, and then how on the same evening he received a number of “sinister calls”.
Jan 12 2009 by David Bartlett, Liverpool Daily Post
ReplyDelete« previous 1 2
‘Terror slur’ Tory to face libel trial
“At around 8.15pm, I started to receive a series of silent nuisance phone calls on my home phone, the caller withholding their number. These silent calls were interspersed by four more sinister calls.
“Two of the calls were from a male describing himself as ‘an acid expert from Widnes’ who was going to visit in order to demonstrate the effect of acid on my wife’s face and other parts of her body,” Mr Calver wrote.
“The fourth call (to my mobile phone) purported to be from Merseyside Fire Brigade and instructed me to vacate the house as it was about to catch fire.”
Mr Calver’s solicitors have alleged in papers to the court that Mr Noorani had asked a 16-year-old boy to phone Mr Calver and give him a “hard time”. This is denied by Mr Noorani.
Days after the fall-out between the pair, Mr Calver is alleged to have approached Mr Noorani’s wife and daughter, Natalie, in West Kirby.
“No wonder you have depression, married to an Islamic terrorist,” Mr Noorani alleges Mr Calver said to his wife and daughter. This is denied by Mr Calver.
ReplyDeleteABOVE: Gordon Brown Unless the Government immediately reviews this work permit system so that Britons have a first crack at all jobs, how can the Prime Minister’s emphasis on safeguarding our employment prospects be taken seriously? Labour MP Frank Field
12th January 2009
GORDON Brown’s promise to create 100,000 jobs is doomed to failure because all the posts will be filled by immigrants, it was claimed last night.
The PM has vowed to spend his way out of recession and help get Britain’s unemployed back into work.
But his crusade was dealt a huge blow yesterday by a Commons think-tank.
Labour MP Frank Field said Britain’s vast army of over three million migrants would simply swallow up all the jobs.
His comments come as figures out yesterday showed how 175,000 more foreigners have poured into Britain since the credit crunch erupted.
Mr Field and Tory MP Nicholas Soames, of the Cross Party Group on Balanced Migration, claim the UK’s immigration system is stacked against Britain’s jobless.
The Daily Star revealed how a new permit loophole is allowing thousands of jobs, many in the information technology and telecoms sectors, to be advertised to foreigners without Brits knowing.
Mr Field said: “Unless the Government immediately reviews this work permit system so that Britons have a first crack at all jobs, how can the Prime Minister’s emphasis on safeguarding our employment prospects be taken seriously?”
Mr Field said the Government had trebled the number of permits issued to 130,000 a year – 30,000 more than the number of jobs Mr Brown hopes to create
Pupils to help pick teachers
ReplyDeleteJan 12 2009 by Ben Turner, Liverpool Echo
Pupils to help pick teachers
TEACHERS applying for jobs at a Merseyside school could face being interviewed by pupils.
Pensby high school for girls in Wirral says the plan is part of its commitment to giving children a ‘major voice’.
School leaders confirmed pupils could be among those conducting job interviews from as early as next year.
But union chiefs today expressed serious concerns at the proposals, which would see the school become among the first in the country to make the move.
It follows government legislation last November requiring school governing bodies to “invite and consider pupils’ views” on everything from uniforms to meals.
Today, school bosses stressed the plan was at an early stage and governors, parents, students and most importantly teachers would be consulted before anything concrete was put in place.
Exact details of the pupils’ role in interviews have not been decided, with the school looking at everything from questions over coffee to more formal sit-down interviews – with the children’s feedback considered prior to selection.
Headteacher Steve Hyden said: “I would still be considering things like their suitability as teacher, the requirement for the post, all the other things I would want and a teaching component in the form of taking a lesson. But pupils would comment from their perspective and how they perceive that person.”
Anti-racism rally to be held in city
ReplyDeleteJan 10 2009 by Neil Hodgson, Liverpool Echo
TRADE unionists have organised a national anti-racism rally in Liverpool.
The Hope Not Hate march will start from Toxteth’s Kuumba Imani Millennium Centre in Princes Road at 10.30am on Saturday January 31.
It will then head to St George’s Plateau in the city centre to hear speakers including Minister of Justice Shahid Malik MP, and Steve Farley, chairman of the North West Trades Union Councils.
ome News Liverpool Local News
ReplyDeleteDrugs shame of cop
Jan 7 2009 , Liverpool Echo
A MERSEYSIDE police officer is facing jail after he admitted intending to supply almost 1kg of cannabis.
PC Sayful Islam was arrested after Cheshire police stopped him on the M6 as he drove back to Liverpool from Birmingham.
They found the drugs in the boot of his car.
Islam, of Cranbourne Road, Wavertree, who is currently suspended, appeared at Liverpool crown court yesterday.
Dressed in a suit, he pleaded guilty to one charge of possessing the drugs with intent to supply on September 6.
The 25-year-old pleaded guilty on the basis that he had been paid by his co-accused, Ahmed Parry, 23, of Irwell Close, Aigburth, to drive the car.
But prosecutor Paul Greaney said this was unacceptable to the crown.
He added: “These two defendants were jointly involved in an enterprise of bringing drugs from Walsall to Liverpool on the basis it could be sold commercially.”
Mr Greaney accepted that Parry could have had the main role in the deal because he had obtained the drugs.
Parry also has a previous drug conviction.
He appeared via video-link from Norwich prison, where he is facing other charges, and also pleaded guilty to possessing drugs with intent to supply.
Islam was bailed to re-appear on February 16 for sentencing.
Blears fear over community tensions
ReplyDeleteCabinet minister Hazel Blears has warned that the recession could fuel community tensions.
Increasingly hard times can give rise to "myths" about immigrants' entitlements which must be challenged if they are not to take hold, she said.
"It could go either way," the Communities Secretary told a newspaper.
"You either end up as a fragmented society, or you come out of it stronger."The far right use it to get divisions between people."
After a complaint from Liverpool City councillors Merseyside police arrested 13 BNP supporters for distributing the Racism Cuts Both Ways pamphlet. They were released on police bail while the CPS considered whether to charge them.(NAME'S PLEASE)