It has been brought to the contributors attention of this blog through letters at the PO Box that there is an investigation being conducted by Merseyside Police against Alec "mad as a hatter" McFadden, President coalition trade unions on Merseyside.
On November the 19th (go to the 19th Nov on this site) a few weeks ago he openly admitted on the Roger "stinky" Phillips show that he would be using the 12,000 BNP members list which he had stored on his home computer and be using it against them with their employers. This is a clear breach of the data protection act if ever there was one. As a result of this programme people from all over Merseyside contacted their local Police stations to make a complaint about this.
Radio Merseyside had the programme and the conversation on their "listen again" section for a week on their website but have since taken it down. Roger "stinky" Phillips upon realising that McFadden had incriminated himself on air "nursed him" through the rest of the radio interview like a little school boy. However not being able to help himself McFadden again stated that he would be sending hundreds of emails to his Union members to dissect the list and again use it against them (BNP members). Roger Phillips no doubt had given up trying to protect his friend at this stage and the interview with McFadden and stinky Phillips quickly concluded.
We feel if this had been a BNP member so brazenly and openly bragging of this criminal breach of the data protection act the culprit responsible would already be serving the appropriate sentence. Lets now see what happens to Alec McFadden who clearly thinks he's above the law. We hope Merseyside Police treat him in the same way "we know" that they would treat a BNP member.
Liverpool BNP winners.
ReplyDeleteThe beginning.
BNP from RWB2008 to Liverpool 13
Lets hope justice is done on this vile creature.
ReplyDeleteStinky Phillips had a delay button he is as guilty as EL GOBBO Mcfadden !!!
ReplyDeleteStinky Phillips the one time Chair of the Liverpool Democracy Commission hahaha. Need I say more other than the correct spelling should me Demockery where stinky is involved.
ReplyDeleteLets not forget Stinky Phillips is an agent for the Brown Broadcasting Corporation (the BBC) Is it any wonder that right thinking people resent paying the TV licence to pay the wages for the likes of brown noser Stinky Phillips and Co. to suppress and censor views and then promote and afflict the people with the Labour partys destructive agenda.
ReplyDeleteWhat McFadden, Stinky Phillips and other concerned parties should take note of is that it doesnt take an expert in Geo Politics to realise that membership of the BNP is more active than LabLibCon and what is worrying them is the several million supporters across the board and increasing by the minute. Those senior police officers who do their political masters bidding ordering ordinary bobbies to go into peoples homes and threaten and harass the occupiers in the afternoon with barking dogs thinking that it is mischief night again are wasting there time, they are intimidating nobody.
ReplyDeleteMcFadden is chair of Merseyside Trade Union Council NOT the Trade Union Congress (ie NOT the TUC most people recognise as the TUC). The TUC he heads up is essentially a two-bob organisation that barely represents anyone.
ReplyDeleteMcFadden is totally delusional, he uses more organisations titles than he has members, like all communist organisations. Information leads us to believe he is hopping mad at the publicity the BNP has gained and there are those within the dwindling ranks of the great unwashed believe he has done more than just liase with the Merseyside Police like he did with the old Special Branch when he was an IRA Supporter.
ReplyDeleteThe Local Government Chronicle:
ReplyDeleteIt was recently reported in the Local Government Chronicle, quote: The biggest single source of ammunition for the critics appears to be former deputy leader Derek Hatton. Executive member for life-long learning Paul Clein (one of the 10 elitist councillors on the cabinet. Clein resigned in May 2002 claiming he was stabbed in the back by Lib Dem leader Mike Storey in relation to some issue or other) says: "What if someone like Derek Hatton got a landslide victory and got elected for the four year-term? It would leave us up a bloody gum tree." Mr Clein believes the Democracy Commission is a "political fix" and a mayor will increase the opportunity for "shabby deals" in a "remarkably uncorrupt system." But the newly elected Labour leader and Blairite Gideon Ben-Tovim insists "this is yesterday's storey. A council which has been so quick to modernise (it took four months) is one to watch." (LGC Oct 22 1999). Its well known that Mr Ben-Tovim is a Blairite, that's why he was chosen to replace former leader Frank Prendergast.
(Labour leader Gideon Ben-Tovim was beaten in the 2002 election for party leader by councillor Joe Anderson, who two years previous resigned from the board of the council led agency “Rope Walks” which is presently under investigation for fraud by the European fraud squad OLAF).
Elitist members of the Democracy Commission are:
Chair - James Ross (Chairman of Littlewoods and mouthpiece of the Moore’s family)
Vice Chair - Roger Phillips (BBC Radio Merseyside)
Rt Revd James Jones (The Bishop of Liverpool)
Lord David Alton (the foundation of Citizenship and Honorary Professor of Citizenship. Based at John Moors University).
Phil Redmond millionaire (Chairman Mersey TV) Who's programmes gives an awful portrayal of Liverpool, with psychopathic gangsters, incest, lying, you name Phil will portrays it on his Brookside sit-com. Some people fear that the right wing Redmond will use his programme to brainwash the people of Liverpool.
Claire Dove (Director, Blackburn House, Woman's Technology and Education Centre)
Professor Michael Parkinson (Director, European Institute for Urban Affairs)
Dr Protasia Torkington (Hope University College)
John Grifith (Editor, Liverpool Echo)
Liam Black (Chief executive of the Furniture Resource Centre. A Community Based Project funded by Objective One and public funding. The staff of this project don’t earn much more than the minimum wage, yet Mr Black earn well over £35,000 per year)
Jane Kennedy former government whip and now a minister (Member of Parliament, Liverpool Wavetree) former NUPE union official, witch hunter of the left in the 1980s and super Blair's babe.
Sir Trevor Jones (Former Lib Dem Leader of Liverpool City Council and extreme right winger and supporter of an elected mayor also leader of the Lib-Dems during the infamous Toxteth Riots of the eighties)
Sir Malcom Thornton (Former Member of Parliament for Crosby and Garston)
David Wade Smith (Director, Wade Smith LTD)
Professor Dennis Kavanagh (Professor of Politics Liverpool University)
Did you know?
Its interesting to note that the self appointed Democracy Commission received financial and in kind support from:
· Radio Merseyside
· The Liverpool Echo
· Mersey Television
Mersey Television is owned by millionaire and local icon Phil Redmond. I wonder if the subject of a n elected mayor will appear (favourably) in his Brookside sit-com scripts?
Top of the Document
The Echo survey:
According to the Liverpool Echo (July 9/1999) a survey was carried out for the Liverpool Democracy Commission (Echo editor is a member of the Democracy Commission) who are considering the possibility of Liverpool becoming the first city outside of London to have an elected mayor.
The art of subterfuge!
The reporter who wrote the article cleverly quotes, more than 400 people took part in the survey. The words more than make it look like a great deal more than 400 people took part, when more than 400 is not over five hundred, so it could have been 401 people. In fact when the final report was finished it was stated in appendix 5 of the report that 402 people living in 10 of the city 's wards took part in a face to face doorstep interview.
It's insignificant:
This figure 400 pails off in to insignificance when one takes into account the fact that 474,000 people live in Liverpool. How can 400 people be used as a credible method to assertain a truthful and credible disclosure of what the people of Liverpool want? It was quite obvious that the Echo would come out on the side of the Democracy Commission by coming to the conclusion that 63% of the 400 people supported an elected mayor. I must confess, I am not a wizard at mathematics, but isn't 63% of 400 about 226 people? Not much is it? Yet these are the facts that the Liverpool Echo gleefully trumpeted to the politically uneducated people of Liverpool. Who's side is the Liverpool Echo on? Talk about the art of subterfuge and the favourable spin. It beggars belief. (Press cutting available).
Top of the Document
BBCchat show host Roger Phillips
BBC Radio Merseyside's chat show host Roger Phillips, (former Chair of the Democracy Commission). Much has been said about Roger and his public relation and consultation activities. Rumour has it that Roger holds allegiances to New Labour, although his friend John Egan (former New Labour regional officer, former secretary of the Democracy Commission and expert in the art of public relations and who now works for Liverpool Vission) denies this. Roger is often in and out of the Liverpool Echo and was a colleague of John Griffith (former editor of the Liverpool Echo) on the now defunct Democracy Commission. In my opinion Roger Phillips has been using BBC Radio Merseyside as a political and public relations platform.
He has appeared on at least three promotional videotape promoting stock transfers from the Liverpool City Council to private sector housing associations. On one of these videos he appeared alongside New Labour MP Marie Eagle urging the people of the Speke/Garston area of Liverpool (another deprived Partnership area) to vote yes to council house stock transfers from public ownership to the private sector. (More about this further on). Speke/Garston has a population of 24,000 people. If you go to these areas you will see that the people have to live in appalling conditions. Poverty and social deprivation are rife, yet the Liverpool City Council has painted a completely different picture. Bellow is the area description.
Its interesting to note that on the 25th of November 2000 BBC Radio Merseyside's chat show host Roger Phillips interviewed New Labour's local government minister Beverly Hughes on her and his favourite subject an elected mayor. As expected she was well versed and put across her agenda in the most convincing manner. Of course Roger Phillips who is a member of the Democracy Commission questioned her in a way, which could have given his listeners the impression that an elected Mayor was a big step forward.
On the same day as the interview the New Labour government conveniently passed a local government bill that would in effect give them the right to overrule our democratically elected councillors and push through a cleverly contrived referendum, using only 5% of Liverpool’s population to trigger it off. This will give Trinity's Liverpool Echo and Radio Merseyside (both of whom are in the pockets of New Labour) ample time to brainwash the people of Liverpool with the bizarre recommendations of the Democracy Commission's 14 power elitist members. And of course these recommendations are the ones that are more favourable to Tony Blair and his front bench band of control freak modernises. (Eventually in 2000 the Liverpool City Council told Central Government to get lost and the elected mayor issue was put to sleep).
ReplyDeleteOne who fights can lose; one who does not fight has already lost. M.E.
ReplyDelete MUST WATCH.
ReplyDelete1984.Freedom is the freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4. All else shall follow.