A group of 200 Asians attacked a police patrol team with fireworks in Luton, north of London, where a right-wing march had been planned, police said on Sunday.
In a statement Bedfordshire Police said 50 officers and six police horses had been called in the afternoon after a small team of constables and police community support volunteers had been attacked by about "200 members of the younger Asian community" in the Bury Park area of Luton.
Two people were arrested but nobody was injured, a spokeswoman for the police told Reuters.
Lets get one thing straight here. I am sick of beating around the bush. Sod being politically correct. Am I to understand that 200 rioting Muslim filth start attacking police and only two get arrested!
Please compare that to November 2008 when 15 BNP members were peacefully leafleting in Liverpool city centre, not breaking any law when 13 out of the 15 get arrested. The two who didn't get arrested was a mother and daughter who was watching the BNP distribute leaflets.
Lets ask ourselves why only two of the Muslim scum got arrested, does any one reading this blog have an inkling perhaps why the police are *hit scared of arresting these anti British Muslim animals. Could it be not wanting, petrified of upsetting community relations.
Well I know why, but I would be here all night giving the reasons. People out there who don't know, well it's not worth dragging you away from the TV, because no doubt the usual brainwashing TV is what your life revolves around. You are all oblivious to it..Aren't you?
To read full article click on ORANGE headline above.
THE Royal British Legion has reversed a decision to reject a BNP member’s charity fundraiser.
Rachel Firth, 36, is planning to spend 24 hours inside a cardboard box this weekend in Yorkshire to highlight the plight of ex-service personnel who are forced to sleep rough.She intended to raise money for the legion, which supports ex-service personnel.
I'm surprised that the scum of the UAF are not up in arms over this shouting racism from the roof tops. Lets face it a charity fundraiser for the "British soldiers"...How dare they.
Its about time the likes of the British Legion started getting their act together. They are hardly going to get contributions from Muslim fundamentalists are they?
To read the full article click on the ORANGE headline above.
The Muslim little darlings have been at it again apparently in Luton. Not content with abusing our soldiers homecoming parade in Luton recently, these Islamic freaks of nature started destroying a pub called the Whitehouse, which was full of British people having a nice relaxing day watching the football this weekend.
The more I think about things like this, the more I start to realise that this government along with the mass media in this country are just as dangerous in the near future as these Muslim anti British fanatic filth.
But Bedfordshire police, who sent in 100 officers, said the Luton attack "did not warrant comment."
I don't know what planet I am on here but if sixty Muslims go into a pub and start beating families up since when does this news not warrant a comment!!..Incredible!
OK, this is a stolen report from the Superb Green Arrow site. The site can be accessed by clicking on the ORANGE headline above. Reading the report though is something I hope everyone who is new to Nationalism will do.
The media in this country will not give you the news honestly and impartially. They are self serving along with the corrupt politicians that swagger around Westminster and Parliament in pursuit of their next expense receipt.
The following is an email and report I received from someone who I am pleased to call kinsman.
The writers name on the net his Vortex. In another article, I will tell you about the very early Sunday Morning meeting where four men sat and talked in the otherwise empty political tent which would later be bursting at the seams with BNP activists.
Hi GA:
It was great to meet up with you amidst the camaraderie of like minded people.
I was also pleased to meet Roger, who I admire greatly for his work for the party in Wales, so don't have any worries on my score that he may have appeared to have been initially brusque.
I think the both of you are doing great things for the cause in so many ways, as indeed are all your colleagues in Wales BNP.
Please find attached a report I have written tonight on the weekend's activities. I am knackered to be honest, but also exhilarated after Sunday afternoon, with the speeches and the veterans parade.
I hope you'll use it, but as usual I won't take any offence if you decide not to do so.
Very best wishes,
I have just returned from the Red, White and Blue Festival held in rural Derbyshire this weekend. This thoroughly enjoyable event was held despite numerous obstacles being put in place by the Labour government in its continual campaign to break the British National Party.
Two years ago the event was held without any disruption to it whatsoever, in fact a lone anti-BNP protestor turned up with his placard and frankly received sympathy and not a little admiration for his courage in his lawful demonstration.
This year was different however. Apart from the local Labour council, no doubt under orders from above, again stopping the party from having both an entertainment and drinks licence, they proceeded to throw further restrictions in our way in the hope that not only would it impede the event but cause it to be unsuccessful.
One of these was to deny caravans and camper vans access to the site. I am delighted to say that this failed miserably. The police of course, the senior officers at any rate, were politically correct patsies in their collusion with the state to achieve this aim, and used a number of methods to try and undermine the event and cause disruption.
This comment is in no way a reflection on those decent officers on the beat. Yesterday they had to endure a foul mouthed, anti social and violent rabble of drop-outs and social misfits from the far left attacking them in the execution of their duty, to defend the right of assembly to a lawful political party and its supporters from holding a family orientated festival that has the temerity in the state’s eyes of celebrating our British way of life, cultural heritage and desire to mix and meet with our own people in pleasant surroundings.
So what actually happened at the RWB this year, what are the facts that the media acolytes of New Labour will not report?
First and foremost, the state and their proxies in UAF and other far left and violent anarchist groups did not prevent the festival taking place; neither despite a delay on Saturday morning did they prevent anyone attending the festival that wished to do so.
They did however like last year cause disruption to the decent people of Codnor and indeed other villages in the area in their attempt to deny free speech and break up a lawful gathering of their opponents.
The facts of what happened are these. The anti-BNP opposition, laughably called “anti-fascists” when they themselves adopt that mantle, once again caused mayhem, disruption to local people, attacked the police, but never got near the BNP event let alone stopping it from taking place, their ultimate aim.
They did however vandalize the car of a resident who understandably was annoyed by their intrusion onto his property, succeeded in getting the police to instruct local patriots to take down their Union and St George flags to avoid incurring a violent response from the great unwashed and thoroughly unpleasant anti-social misfits that comprise UAF.
They succeeded in causing consternation among local shopkeepers in Codnor so they closed their shops to avoid having them vandalized by UAF in the middle of the worst recession since the 1930s thus resulting in the shopkeepers losing a valuable day’s takings.
The UAF and their allies has intimidated local landowner and BNP member Alan Warner for weeks if not months because he wished to use his land for the purpose of a legitimate political party from holding a family orientated festival on his premises.
They had vandalized his property, daubed graffiti on it, stolen his flag (he had the temerity to fly a Union flag on his land), super glued his entrance gate locks, on one occasion stopping his disabled daughter from attending an important medical appointment and deposited used syringes on his land in the hope of frightening him of from staging the event.
But ex-miner Alan is made of stern stuff, and is a determined and proud patriot who will not succumb to threats of violence and intimidation from the dregs of society. The event was staged and Alan made it happen. Not only does the British National Party owe this man a debt of gratitude for his bravery and support, but society at large should acknowledge not only his brave stand but also the fact that he has the moral high ground over those that are the real fascist thugs namely the UAF.
Thank you Alan for allowing the BNP, our party, to stand their ground in the face of the massive attacks both physically and in so many other ways against it.
I cannot comment on the numbers attending the event as I don’t know them. I can only speculate that despite everything they threw at us, the numbers probably held up, if not marginally improved from last year.
What I can say, having been there, that following on from the vicious anti-BNP media campaign of lies, innuendo and threats, from the state, the unions and of course the violent thugs from the UAF and not forgetting our friends from Searchlight, the camaraderie and closing of the ranks in the face of our concerted opposition was at its very best. The mood of determination and fight back among the membership to save this great nation from decline and destruction was never so strong.
The press were eagerly searching for sound bites and photos that could portray the party in a bad light. Despite the violence and anti social behaviour to the people of Codnor and elsewhere in the area, they insisted on reporting this obtuse behaviour as small scale and that the majority of demonstrators were of course peaceful.
We of course were demonized as best they could according to the usual clichés they so repetitively employ. But the truth will out and the people of Codnor, and I spoke to a number of them, know where the disruption came from.
Again the press frantically searching for a local sympathetic resident to provide them with a sound bite or two eventually found one, but I can assure you dear reader the vast majority of local people know who the real thugs are and it is not the BNP.
Just ask the man whose car was vandalized in Codnor with all the windows smashed in, or the locals trying to get money out of the town’s cash points who found they had been super glued.
Or the resident of Denby Lane who was delayed from getting out of his own road by left wing scum blocking his road, trying to get his daughter to a an important medical appointment.
One of the UAF’s chants is “Nazi scum get off our streets”. Let’s employ “Far left scum get off Codnor’s residents’ streets which are theirs”. But that of course would be played down by the politically correct apparatchiks of the collective British media.
Of course don’t expect our media friends to report the facts, and expect much of the same. But we do have the Internet thank God to tell the truth! Without it we would have diminished recourse to reply to the anti-BNP smears, but here on the excellent Green Arrow Site and indeed elsewhere the truth can emerge, or at least the impartial observer can read an alternative version of events and make his or her own mind up.
I will finish by mentioning the highlight of the RWB to me this weekend.
That was the parade of BNP veterans, marching initially to take part in the Christian service on Sunday morning, but also in a moving act of remembrance for our fallen of the two world wars and for them more poignantly the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan in which they themselves served.
The image of these wonderful men, with their gongs shining brightly in the English sun over rural Derbyshire today will stay with me for a very long time. You won’t see these images in the media, but once again you will be able to do so not only on this, the best Nationalist Blog in Britain, but also on the main BNP website.
One small note to finish with. I finally got to meet GA in person over the weekend. It was a great pleasure to meet my good friend in the flesh and I look forward to meeting up again before too long. In the meanwhile I know we will both be busy working hard to sell the BNP in our very noble quest to save this great nation, its people and its glorious heritage.
Vortex it truly was a pleasure to meet you in person. I am very heartened to know that we have such very capable, thoughtful and intelligent people within the party.
I hope that Chris? finds what he is looking for. Ask that when he does, to please let us know:) I suspect we are all looking for the same thing.
By the way guys, some great images, news and articles over on Titvs Advxas. Nice guy by the way. Hope to meet him and speak with him longer next time.
After the fun and games in Birmingham over the weekend where the EDL (English Defence League) attempted peacefully and tried to protest against Islamic extremism, which backfired thanks to the UAF stirrers and gangs of vicious blood thirsty Muslims.
This is whats in store here in Britain in the not too distant future. All with the blessing of the Labour Party and The Conservatives as well. Hey they wont care, Gordon Brown and David Cameron will be on a desert Island sipping retirement cocktails by then.
Its a bit of a piss take but with a serious message. First seen by me from the superb Green Arrow site. http://isupporttheresistance.blogspot.com/
The TUC congress which will be held in Liverpool this year will be actively campaigned by the BNP, against the Anti British Communists who will be attending. We will be having a few table top sales outside during the hate filled meeting and distributing leaflets and papers indicating to the public about the fascist nature and danger that communism in Britain poses.
The Russian and Chinese communist sympathisers will be shipping in "Cuban Workers Confederation (CTC) General Secretary Salvador Valdes Mesa" who will be addressing delegates at Congress to whip the communists attending into an hypnotic frenzy. The Communist event takes place between Monday 14 and Thursday 17 September 2009 in Liverpool.
Topics amongst the 85 motions to be debated in Liverpool during the 141st Congress include campaigning against the BNP.
Communism is responsible for more deaths in the last century than were responsible for deaths in the second world war putting Hitler to shame. A well known Merseyside Union leader has been heard on radio Merseyside talking to his mate Roger Phillips saying what a great job the Chinese are doing, despite the Chinese Government having murdered millions of their own people. No doubt this union leader struts around in a communist uniform whilst hero worshiping the Russian mass murderer Stalin.
Communists are not wanted in Liverpool and neither is their message of hate!
Before watching this footage, there is bad language being used and you can hear it in the background. This riot had NOTHING to do with the BNP, not one member of the BNP was there, just to clear that up. All the violence, damage and riot was caused by David Cameron's along also with the Labour Party's sponsored UAF thugs and anti. British Muslims.
Well they have been at it again. The Muslim religion of peace, child grooming and paedophilia along with the UAF, backed by David Cameron as well as the Labour Party caused havoc, riots and destruction on the streets of Birmingham yesterday.
What should have been a peaceful protest by the English Defence League Luton Division, against Islamic fundamentalism was hijacked by the Muslim fundamentalists and the group of UAF fascists intent on causing trouble and anarchy.
There is plenty of footage doing the rounds about this but what you will see is a concerted effort by the news agencies trying to blame whitey again whilst portraying the Islamics and David Camerons UAF as the saints. Look at the photo's below and make your own minds up.
If only the Liberal talk show cowards in Britain had the nerve and enough self belief in their convictions to talk like the American radio jock Michael Savage. Can you imagine Radio Merseysides own "stinky Roger Phillips" rebuking this Muslim supremacist like Michael Savage does. The answer is no!
Wont say much on this because of the latest story below, but we can all sleep with a smile tonight knowing that Alec McFadden is £5000 poorer after being fined.
See the story at: http://www.wirralnews.co.uk/wirral-news/local-wirral-news/2009/08/05/wallasey-based-tuc-boss-alec-mcfadden-fined-in-long-running-railings-row-80491-24312659/
Merseysides No1 pathetic zero and clown Alec McFadden
Reports are coming in that Alec McFadden was running around like a headless chicken this morning at Liverpool magistrates court. He had a face like a beetroot with embarrassment when the penny had dropped that him and his drug addict UAF mates had been set up.
Merseyside BNP decided in the interests of public safety to cancel our protest last week. The only thing was we didn't tell the Labour party sponsored rabble outside the magistrates court today!
Despite the best efforts also of McFaddens "hired UAF criminals" doing their best to intimidate Peter Tierney with "whispered threats" of violence in the waiting area, Peter just laughed at the pathetic low-life's.
In all fairness the reports I'm getting were that the police were magnificent today, inside and outside the court. Despite McFaddens criminals doing their best to pick a fight in the magistrates waiting area, the police were on top of their game and would have controlled the Labour Party rabble easily. So thank you "today" Merseyside police for controlling McFaddens fifteen protesters who turned up with the intention as usual of acting unlawful earlier, inside and outside the court.
Alec see you in September when Merseyside BNP will be having a "massive" protest!..Or will we?
From Merseysides number one hero Peter Tierney to the zero that is Alec McFadden, we go to Merseysides number one pervert and convicted paedophile and cannibal the Liverpool Echo's own Laurence Westgaph.
While "political lefty" headless chickens are the order of the day its also affecting the Liverpool Echo "spin doctors". Despite this pervert and paedophile Westgaph having a lust for under age girls the Liverpool Echo states they had no prior knowledge of his taste for under age girls or female minors! Also they deny the paedophile is in the Liverpool Echo's employ..What!!??...Not in their employ??. So he worked for free then?..Well who's articles calling the BNP fit to burn in the Echo have I been reading recently. It looks like Westgaph but hey it could be Gary Glitter in disguise eh!
What they stated "politely" to me is that they have had to let this disgusting pervert go... The Liverpool Echo have sacked him in other words. There is a new future proffesion for him in the boxing ring. The convicted rapist Mike Tyson would be a good mentor for Westgaph. The only difference is that Mike Tyson chews off peoples ears, While canibal and paedophile Westgaph has a taste for eating peoples fingers and for under age girls. Laurence Westgaph and Mike Tyson are made for each other.
To read the full Laurence Westgaph article click on the ORANGE McMuppet headline above. As for me I'm going to have a few shorts of the single malt kind followed by a chicken vindaloo. Yes that's right. Just because I am in the BNP I do eat Indian food. That's something else McFadden and the Liverpool Echo probably said we don't do and that's eat foreign food. Guess what I always give a very good tip as well, an extra generous tip after today's hilarious developments.
Christians were burned alive in their homes after rumours that the Koran had been defaced spread through a city in Pakistan.
Hundreds of Muslims torched and looted Christian homes in Gorja. A man, a woman and four children were burned to death in their house, and two other men were shot dead by the rioters.
The rumour about the Koran was false and had been instigated by members of a banned extremist Muslim extremist group, said Pakistani security officials yesterday.
You have to hand it to these murderous Pakistani savages, they are a bit sensitive. Apparently "soundbite" Gordon Brown has just released a Downing street press release stating that not all Pakistanis like torching Christians alive while being in possession of the Koran. Brown further added that not all Pakistani Muslims are a danger being in possession of petrol and that most of them put it in their cars.
OK he didn't say any of the above, but one only wonders what the gormless idiot would have said had he not been on holiday. Where is the public outcry in this country? Wasn't it all over the news the other day that some Israeli went into an Israeli gay club and started shooting the Jewish gays?..It was on the British news all day. So are dead gays more news worthy than burning Christians alive. Perhaps if the Pakistanis were burning "gay Christians", well that may have made Sky news.
The mind boggles. To read full article click on Orange headline above.