Tuesday 4 May 2010

Brown worst PM says Labour candidate


This has got to be the first time Liverpool BNP have ever agreed with a Labour Party member, I hope its not going to become a habit! Under the circumstance I will make an allowance on this occasion.There is a saying and the saying goes like this, "it never rains but it always pours". Certainly for the "loony Labour Party" Prime Minister Gordon Brown, this election has become a torrential rain storm.

This morning Manish Sood (pictured above), who is standing for the Labour Party in North West Norfolk, has attacked the Prime Minister and also called other Labour ministers "corrupt" and said the party had allowed immigration to get too high. He further added "the prime minister "owes an apology to the people and the Queen, his policies have been a disaster for the country"... Well Manish, all you had to do was talk to us in the BNP mate, we could have told you that years ago.

To read the full article and attack on Gordon Brown by one of his own, click on the ORANGE headline above.

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