Wednesday 12 March 2008

£500k Asylum Seeker to pay back £1.

AN IRANIAN asylum seeker who falsely claimed £25,000 of benefits has been ordered to pay back £1.
Dishonest Massoud Montazery, 29, claimed money from the state even though he had £500,000 in a separate bank account.
Yesterday, a Proceeds of Crime application took place at Liverpool crown court for him to pay back his ill-gotten gains.
But as Montazery had no recoverable assets, the confiscation order of £24,973.67 could not proceed.
Instead, he was told the pay back a nominal fee of just £1.


What a complete and utter joke, how dare this dirty cretin take our tax money when British people are in need of that money themselves! The courts are a complete and utter joke, what are they going to do with £1, stick it in a high interest account?

As for having no recoverable assets my rear end, he is wearing a nice leather jacket there take that and everything off him such as his house cars and his clothes leave him with nothing but his dirty underpants!

We have BRITISH pensioners getting locked up for not paying council tax because they cant afford it, and cretins like this feller getting fined £1 and set free. Complete and utter joke!

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